
10 Things You Need to Know After Graduating College

10 things you need to know after Graduating College

So you just graduated college and got your first big boy/girl job? Well, congrats! That’s a huge accomplishment that should be celebrated! But that’s not why you’re here. You’re here to learn the 10 things you need to know after graduating college. Lucky for you that’s also why I’m here writing this. I talked with my team of somewhat recent grads and compiled the top things that we think everyone should know after they graduate college and get their first big job. Again congratulations and we hope we can help you with this list. 

It’s okay to not know what you want to do

This is 100% the most important on this list. If someone would have told me I would be running a marketing agency I would have laughed at them. Your life will change, evolve, and adapt so you really shouldn’t know what you want to do for the rest of your life. The next few years, well now that is a different story. 

Take time to find your niche 

Finding a niche is something that will get you ahead quickly. What I recommend is finding something that people need, but not many people understand. For us, it’s marketing to young audiences. For you, it could be something completely different, but make sure of two things 1) it’s something that is valuable and will stay valuable 2) it’s something people actually need.

Enjoy the little wins 

Life is hard and if you are only focusing on getting that big promotion or securing that huge client you’re going to have a bad time. Rather enjoy the little wins and use them as motivation to keep going and growing. It’s crazy how celebrating the little wins will make the big wins even better. 

Don’t be afraid to fail 

Life is just a bunch of failures. You can either give up or keep trying (we recommend the keep trying option). Don’t be afraid to fail. This means that you are going out of your comfort zone and trying to improve. Personally, I want my team to fail, because failure is the best learning experience. 

Network network and network some more for the first few years

Becoming successful in the business world is all about who you know, that’s the unfortunate truth. Opportunities come to those who seek them and usually, those are the well-connected individuals. Because of that fact networking is key. I know when some people read networking they want to throw up, but networking comes in so many forms. Do you enjoy biking? Join a biking group and make new connections (BOOM you just networked). Do you enjoy reading? Join a book club (BOOM you just networked). It’s that easy and a lot of the time can lead to those big wins I was talking about. Some of my favorite clients we have at Finden were made through a golfing league that I joined rather than the stuffy networking groups.

Find hobbies outside of work

Life is so much more than just working. Carve out time in your week to do the things you love or find excuses to do your hobbies during work (like joining a golf league). You only live one life so make sure its one you enjoy.

Find a quality mentor 

A mentor should be your guide for 1-5 of this list. This individual is someone who can help you figure out what you want to do in life, find your niche, network, help you celebrate your little wins, and teach you their failures so you don’t have to do them. 

Your first job might suck 

Let me say that again. Your first job might suck. BUT I have great news, your first job is definitely not your last (most of the time). The biggest things you should work towards in your first job is getting relevant experience that looks fantastic on a resume, and (you guessed it) networking! Meet new people at your company, and make new friends as those doors rarely close over the years (especially if you make a mark). My recommendation is to work at a job for at least a year (or until a better offer comes along) and learn as much as you can during that year. You’ll be amazed at how much can be brought to your next opportunity.

You learn more in your first year on the job than you do in 4 years of college

Like I just said the first year on the job is the time to learn as much as you can. Take opportunities, ask questions, and take chances. You’ll learn more about life and the real world than college could ever teach you. 

Always be nice to janitors, receptionists, and servers 

Last on this list and possibly the most important is this rule of life. Be kind to people no matter their position. When judging a person’s character the first thing I look at is how they treat people “under” them (ie the uber driver, server, etc.). This is usually an easy sign if they will fit with our company. If they are polite to them then it’s usually a fit. Additionally, these individuals are people and literally make the world as we know it exists so treat them with respect.

Who is Finden Marketing?

Finden Marketing is Duluth, Minnesota’s leading Gen Z & Millennial marketing agency. With years of experience, over a million dollars of ads managed, and a dedicated team we can help grow your business to its true potential. Our team offers a wide range of services, including PR, Branding, Content Creation, Paid Media, Graphic Design, and Web Development. With over 50 projects in the bag, Finden Marketing is becoming a staple marketing agency in Duluth, Minnesota. With awards including the Duluth News Tribune Best of the Best and Upcity’s top digital marketing agencies. Finden also is listed in GoodFirms top 10 ad agencies in Minnesota and Designrush’s top SEO agency in Minnesota. 

To learn more about Finden Marketing, check us out here, or visit us at our office in Duluth, Minnesota. Make sure to stay in touch with us: Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | Website

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