Things you need to start doing to become more successful

15 Things You Need to Do Today to Become More Successful in the Future

Last month I discussed 15 things you should do every morning to be successful and after much feedback, I added a second part focused on more than just the morning. This list is again based upon research done on countless successful people from many industries and hits on what they say are the more important things to do when you’re young to become more successful in the future. These 13 items are little seeds you need to plant in your life to grow to success. Imagine these 15 items as magic beans and if you plant them, you can grow that beanstalk to get that golden goose. 

  1. Create a morning routine

As discussed in the previous blog “15 things you should do every morning to be more successful”  a morning routine is a make or break for any budding entrepreneur. As you grow, your free time will shrink, take advantage of your mornings and create a kick-butt morning routine that gets you ready to conquer the day.

  1. Surround yourself around people with a success mindset

Evaluate your current friends and determine if they are pushing you or holding you back. This may be hard and you may lose friends, but if they are holding you back they weren’t good friends in the first place.

  1. Create a monthly budget and stick to it 

Having a budget and keeping track of your finances is the easiest way to grow your wealth. The more you know about your finances, the more likely you are to stop spending it on useless things you don’t need. Creating a budget may sound scary, but here’s a template from our friends over at PennyHoarder to make it easier.

  1. Start investing in your future 

Investing early in your life can mean major gains when you retire. If a person invests $500 a month at 24 by the time they retire at 67, they could be looking at around $4.2 Million. Curious on how that would work? Check out this link where famed financial expert Dave Ramsey (not to be confused with culinary icon Gordon Ramsey) talks about compounding interest and the power of investing when you are young.

  • Haven’t started investing yet? Use this link to start with Robinhood and get one free stock for signing up!
  1. Find an excellent mentor or a few 

Mentors may be the most important item on this list. A good mentor can help you skip major mistakes that you would have otherwise had. A mentor is one of the most vital aspects for any person on their journey to success and can make said journey 1,000% easier. I recommend having multiple mentors for each of the things you are trying to improve. 

  1. Create a 1,3,5, and 10-year goal list 

What do you want to do with your life? That is exactly what you should ask yourself after reading this question. I challenge you to spend 5 minutes today and just write everything you have ever wanted to do. Once you have done that, break it up. What can you start today, what will take time, and what will take a whole lot of time? Write it down, print it out, and put it where you can see it every day.

  1. Constantly pursue knowledge and learn new things every day

Top CEOs read a book a week, which comes out to 52 books a year. Constantly learning is the biggest way to reach success since knowledge is power. I recommend starting with books that push your knowledge and help you learn new skills. 

  • Also, if you like reading print books like me, check out Thriftbooks. This is an online bookseller that has every title you could want for crazy low prices.
  1. Invest in yourself

Success isn’t easy. It takes time, determination, and a whole lot of willpower to keep going when things get tough. Because of that, investing in yourself and treating yourself are necessities. 

Invest in a gym membership, buy that nice bike you want, or take a class on how to cook your favorite meal. No matter what it is invest in yourself and have fun doing it 

  1. Curate a style guide for yourself and slowly gain clothes that fit your lifestyle

On the same note of investing in yourself, investing in your appearance is extremely important. This doesn’t mean buying a $15,000 suit because it’ll make people think you’re successful, rather this is curating a style that is uniquely you. Some of the most successful people in the world have a unique style that puts them apart from their competition not because their style is expensive but because it identifies who they are. Do a deep dive into what makes you unique and slowly cater your wardrobe to fit it. 

  1. Update your business resume and LinkedIn profile

This is your time to shine, so no modesty is allowed in these. Spend an hour a month updating both your resume and LinkedIn to keep yourself on top of your game in case any opportunities present themselves.

  1. Network, network, and network a little more

I’m going to say it. Success is just as much who you know than it is what you know. Networking and meeting people create opportunities to open up and you’ll never know who could be behind the golden door waiting for you to open it. Meet and make friends with anyone and everyone you can.

  1. Live a clean lifestyle 

Almost any successful individual will tell you that health is the most important aspect to success. Treat your body with respect, since you only have one.

  1. Find your reason to live and spend every day trying to achieve it 

Why do you get up in the morning? What drives you to put in the extra effort every day? These are the things you should ask yourself every morning to prepare you for a powerful day. Find your reason and the motivation will come.

14. Lower your expectations of others around you

At the end of the day the only person you can push is yourself. Focus on improving yourself rather than hoping those around you will bring you up with them.

15. Stop Reading this and start doing

Stop reading this and go do something on this list!