
Best New Years Resolutions for Marketers in 2023

Life in the world of marketing keeps you on your toes and leaves many running around trying to capture the next viral trend not leaving any time for themselves. As fellow marketers that makes us sad. So we decided to see if we could make a little difference. So, with that being said if you are in marketing we think you need to take some time for yourself in 2023. To help even more our team came up with our top list of the best new years resolutions for marketers in 2023. This list is catered to a younger marketer who has only been in the industry for a short period of time. 

Get a new industry-related certification 

Certifications are a fantastic way to both learn about the interesting world of marketing and show your skills to your bosses. Marketing certifications are the basis of continuous education in the marketing field and millions of marketers every year partake in them. Here’s a link to our favorites: https://findenmarketing.com/the-top-marketing-certifications-any-marketer-should-have 

Create more video content 

Video is becoming king in the marketing world. Getting good at capturing said content is going to put you a step ahead of the older generations and help you provide more value to your firm or business. Our recommendation is to really focus on capturing 15-30 second videos that tell stories. Sprinkle them into your marketing mix and see how well your business starts to pop off. This would be one of our top-ranked new year resolutions for marketers in 2023. Trends are showing that video is going to become even more popular this year.

Learn about advertising on Amazon

For many businesses, Amazon advertising is an untapped Gem. This has become one of the biggest channels for companies large and small and is starting to really divert marketing dollars from other platforms as the cookieless world takes effect. For more information on Amazon advertising check out this great article from our friends over at Ad Advance: https://www.adadvance.com/blog/what-is-amazon-dsp/ 

Read 6 marketing-related books 

Now the number you choose can variate, but books are a fantastic way to learn from the best and brightest minds in the industry. From trendsetters to market staples books allow you to get an inside look at what their thoughts are for the low low price of $10ish dollars. This is also a way to get away from the hustle and bustle of the office world and lets you sit down, relax, and focus some time on learning. 

Set aside an hour a week to learn about new trends 

Too often in the business world professionals forget to take time out of their week to learn. This results in said person quickly becoming out of date and their ideas becoming stale. Our recommendation is to spend an hour a week focusing on new trends and researching whatever you are passionate about. You’ll be blown away by how fast you become the smartest guy in the room. 

Get more comfortable with a camera 

Like capturing video, photography isn’t going anywhere. A photographer is a dime a dozen today and almost everyone in the world has a powerful camera in their pockets at all times. Luckily, most people aren’t trained in photography and thus their photos aren’t that great. This opens us with a great opportunity to grow and provide a unique value set for your company. This is especially true if you also are a person who does video content. 

Grow your personal brand

Your personal brand is the foundation of how people see you and what you do. It could be as simple as “the person that likes cool hats” and as complicated as “the outermost specialist on all things XYZ”. No matter what you want to be known for taking 2023 to grow that. If you feel you don’t know what your personal brand is start with the basics. Find your core values, 3-5 phrases or words that make up the way you live. Here are some examples: https://www.scienceofpeople.com/core-values/.

Take time off to enjoy your life 

Last on our list is the most important. Life is short and full of amazing places. Make sure to see them. Take some time away to focus on yourself and do the things you love. Make a bucket list and start checking them off today. This is our list of new years resolutions for marketers, but there are many more. Find the one that best fits your lifestyle and take the effort to learn and better yourself in 2023.

Who is Finden Marketing 

Finden Marketing is an award-winning Marketing agency headquartered in Duluth, Minnesota. Finden specializes in helping new and established businesses connect to Gen Z & Millennial demographics using out-of-the-box ideas. With a core belief that marketing shouldn’t cost an arm and a leg, Finden Marketing boasts prices that businesses can actually afford and offers an entire marketing team for $3,000/month. Our team offers a wide range of services, including PR, Branding, Content Creation, Paid Media, Graphic Design, and Web Development. With awards including the Best Consulting Firm in Duluth, Best Graphic Designer in Duluth, Best Website Designer in Duluth, Best of Minnesota, and more. Finden Marketing is here to help you with your marketing needs. Get your free business consultation to see how you can grow your business through marketing, today. 

Thanks for reading about new years resolutions for marketers! To learn more about Finden Marketing, check us out here, or visit us at our office in Duluth, Minnesota. Make sure to stay in touch with us: Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | Website

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