
How to Figure Out What Blogs to Write About

As we consult with new businesses one of the biggest questions we get asked is “how do we increase our search engine optimization (SEO)”? Our recommendations usually includes 5 items for most businesses. These are 1) website optimization. 2) Google review management / growing online reviews. 3) online advertising. 4) backlink growth. 5) Blog writing. From there, the second question is usually “OK, how do we figure out what blogs to write about?”. Today, we have decided to answer that question. Now, we can’t give you a definite answer without doing a deeper analysis of your business so feel free to set up a free consultation today by clicking the button below.

To make it easier we broke it down into 5 major sections. This will help guide you in finding the perfect talking points.

Section 1) What are your consumer’s pain points (Struggles) and how can you fix them? 

First on the list is a focus on pain points or the struggles which your target consumer has to face. These blogs should be focused on fixing something that makes your customer mad. That could include common problems, unique selling points, or just tips to make it easier.

For example: if you own a shoe store writing a blog on “cramping while hiking” could be a great resource for your buyers. This could also provide valuable information that may convert others into buying your product in the future.

Section 2) How can you provide the best value? 

The second area should be focused on what you are an expert in. If you know a lot about garage doors, write about all things that consumers should know about garage doors. The biggest thing to think about when doing this is “Does the customer actually need to know this?”. If the answer is no, then find a way to twist it to make it interesting to them. 

Section 3) What are the most common questions you get asked? 

The easiest way to find a subject for blogs is to listen to those buying your product. A good rule of thumb is that if one person asks a question other people are probably thinking it. Making a list of common or fun questions you get asked is a great way to offer a reference piece for customers.

For example: we have a cybersecurity company we do consulting for that has a very peculiar name. Due to that fact, people constantly ask “what does it mean”. Our team decided to write a blog about the meaning. Since then, we have had a great reference for those who ask to get an extremely detailed answer to what it means and why it’s so important to what they do. 

Section 4) What do you want the company to be known for? 

What do you want the company to be known for is another way you can find unique ideas for blog writing. If you want to be THE biggest retailer of cowboy boots then spending your time and effort writing about cowboy boots is most likely going to get you there.

For example, we have a client who is a dentist and wants to become the specialist in dental implants in his region. Because of that, we write blogs connecting implant-related content with regional information growing his relevancy to that type of service and therefore growing his local SEO. 

Section 5) Showcase your accomplishments

It’s never a bad time to show off your business and if you receive accolades for what you are doing make sure to show them off! This is a fantastic way to grow your relevancy in the local area, and also create engaging content that your core customers will love to read.

For example, our team at Finden has won multiple local awards for our website design and graphic design services. We take those and showcase them through blog format giving our core followers and the deep inside scoop on the five W’s (what, why, where, who, when). This keeps our core followers engaged and gets people talking about what we are doing. 

Do you need more help? Contact our team to get a detailed list of blog titles that will work for you.

Who is Finden Marketing 

Finden Marketing is an award-winning Marketing agency headquartered in Duluth, Minnesota. Finden specializes in helping new and established businesses connect to Gen Z & Millennial demographics using out-of-the-box ideas. With a core belief that marketing shouldn’t cost an arm and a leg, Finden Marketing boasts prices that businesses can actually afford and offers an entire marketing team for $3,000/month. Our team offers a wide range of services, including PR, Branding, Content Creation, Paid Media, Graphic Design, and Web Development. With awards including the Best Consulting Firm in Duluth, Best Graphic Designer in Duluth, Best Website Designer in Duluth, Best of Minnesota, and more. Finden Marketing is here to help you with your marketing needs. Get your free business consultation to see how you can grow your business through marketing, today. 

Thanks for reading about new years resolutions for marketers! To learn more about Finden Marketing, check us out here, or visit us at our office in Duluth, Minnesota. Make sure to stay in touch with us: Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | Website

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