
How to Maximize Your Results With Google Ads In 2022

As 2022 brings more challenges than ever to advertisers on every channel, results still need to ensure the lights stay on. While the internet moves away from cookies, Apple restricts data and privacy is top of mind for tech giants, we are left with major hurdles to overcome. But it can be done! When it comes to advertising PPC, there are only so many levers you can pull to control costs. It isn’t magic. The magic comes from understanding data, utilizing multiple platforms and going back to the proverbial marketing roots; empathy. So let’s put our marketing hats on and dig into how to maximize results with google ads in 2022.

  1. Spring cleaning comes early

At Finden, we are architecture snobs. Structure is everything to us and believe us when we say, we will judge your account hard while doing audits. But that is our job, right? We certainly put it a lot nicer when in comparison to our Slack channels. While we can joke about this all we want, this is a major fix to make sure your account is running smoothly.

  • Clean up duplicate keywords. Bulk actions are great but can add in unwanted keywords in places they shouldn’t be
  • Create a unified structure throughout your MCC account. Label campaign names based on the funnel stage they’re targeting
  • Stay consistent and don’t get lazy
  1. Improve your quality score

We have this conversation more than most conversations with our clients. Relevancy is everything when it comes to your online presence. Google’s ad quality score is calculated by expected CTR (click through rate), the landing page experience, and how relevant an ad is based on the user’s query. 

  • Ensure your keywords are similar to the page you’re directing traffic to
  • Utilize responsive search ads
  • Test and monitor new ads
  • Understand what your target audience is trying to accomplish (have empathy)
  1. Understand your account metrics

Let’s face it. CPA’s are becoming more expensive and some data is not nearly as accurate as it used to be. Google certainly hasn’t taken a hit like Facebook has, but it is still fighting the good fight. As data becomes more restricted, we must look at other metrics to ensure our marketing efforts aren’t going unnoticed. Like Facebook, Google is starting to favor more broad targeting as their search algorithms are top tier. Along with broad targeting, there are other tactics to utilize as well.

  • This falls back in line with structure, but consolidate campaigns so you can utilize more budget in each campaign
  • Consider CTR, increases in branded search and landing page views as solid metrics to review
  • Look at all advertising efforts in one picture. While data in Facebook may look more expensive, think of it as feeding Google, or vice versa depending on your stronger platform

These are very basic steps you can take when attempting to maximize your advertising efforts with Google Ads in 2022. There is still a bright future for advertisers, but it is going to take much more effort in understanding what your end user is looking for. If we can nail one item, it’s empathy for your consumers. Utilizing these 3 fundamentals within your Google account will surely help with increasing your bottom line and benefit your Google Ads account greatly.

Who is Finden Marketing?

Finden Marketing is Duluth, Minnesota’s leading Gen Z & Millennial marketing agency. With years of experience, over a million dollars of ads managed, and a dedicated team we can help grow your business to its true potential. Our team offers a wide range of services, including PR, Branding, Content Creation, Paid Media, Graphic Design, and Web Development. With over 50 projects in the bag, Finden Marketing is becoming a staple marketing agency in Duluth, Minnesota. With awards including the Duluth News Tribune Best of the Best and Upcity’s top digital marketing agencies.

To learn more about Finden Marketing, check us out here, or visit us at our office in Duluth, Minnesota. Make sure to stay in touch with us: Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | Website