The Slim Jim Blog Post

This Meat Stick Brand Became an Internet Sensation

Slim Jim. The snack industry meat stick has morphed into a cult-like following and created an internet phenomenon brands wish they could do. For roughly two years, they grew their social following on Instagram from 5,000 to 1,200,000 without spending a single cent on paid promotions. Not only did they grow organically, but they created an army of meat lovers through the use of memes and trends. Andy Hines is the man behind this ingenious plan to solidify the “Long Boi G?️?” one of the most active brand followings on the social platform.


Slim Jim was founded in 1929 by Adolph Levis. The company was sold in 1967 for $20 million to General Mills. Nearly three decades later, Slim Jim partnered with Randy “Macho Man” Savage as the company’s spokesperson. Here we start to see the personality of Slim Jim take shape as this bold and wild snack. Savage was a fantastic success for the brand, and as time went on, it fizzled out with overexposure and changing times.

Randy “Macho Man” Savage sporting all Slim Jim attire.

From 2010 to 2018, the brand was losing equity as its target audience was not receiving its online messaging. Slim Jim’s social presence was lacking, and to make things worse, fake Slim Jim Instagram accounts were outranking the corporate brand. Andy Hines was running one of the phony accounts.

The man behind the memes

Mr. Hines had a meme page in 2018 with nearly 3x [15,000] as many followers as the large corporate brand. Needless to say, the meat snack brand was struggling with its subpar efforts to communicate their brand. It was time to rethink their marketing strategies. Andy was invited to a popup shop and was questioned as to what the brand should be doing. Shortly after, he was hired to implement his new and exciting methods. Slim Jim completely threw out their tactics of highly edited, fake content and adopted Andy’s principles. Since then, the account has been exploding. 

His principles included posting crude and irrelevant memes. This was definitely a bold move, but hey, did you watch that commercial with Randy Savage? Being bold wasn’t necessarily new to them. Andy’s abnormal tactics paid off, and not only did their following increase, but their engagement skyrocketed. Their latest post at the time of writing this blog was liked by 124k+ accounts compared to the measly 491 two years prior. 

Before Andy Hines
After Andy Hines

Why it Works

Slim Jim’s marketing is edgy, unfiltered, and has no care for repercussions. This is precisely what differentiates them from everyone else. In today’s age, it has become more challenging to break through and get your name known by your target audience. Meme culture has evolved exponentially over the past decade and is something complicated to understand from an outside perspective. Moreover, brands that try to assimilate to their social counterparts can be chewed up and sent to the curb. GenZ [ages 8-23] is quite interesting and has many brands scratching their heads, attempting to break through this market.

Slim Jim has fully committed and has been entirely accepted as a branding legend among this demographic. With each post containing a hidden message catered to their self-claimed “gang”, constant referrals to the most popular day in April, and their favorite hidden number; followers like, share, tag, and send their favorite posts daily. They have found a way to tip their metaphorical hat to their audience and screamed, “we get you.” Very few brands have been able to do just this, but that doesn’t mean we cannot learn from them.

How to “Recreate” What They do so Well

As we stated above, it can be very difficult to “recreate” what Slim Jim is doing because they are so unique. They have set up their online presence as a culturally accepted snack that has a ✨spicy✨ brand personality. Although it can be difficult to reach GenZ, here are some things you can do to make your online presence more attractive:


This is #1 for a reason. Most people will spot unauthentic content immediately. We have been raised in an environment of constant media attention and will not spend time on BS. We have better things to do and will seek it. Authentic is somewhat of a cliche word thrown around to make brands feel better about themselves. Be authentic because you want to rather than it having to be a choice. Be real and stand behind what you believe in.

Sell an Experience

Younger people are not looking to be sold to. Hard sells are unauthentic and will push your audience away. Most People don’t buy a lamp because it is on sale. People buy a lamp because it is going to get compliments from friends or have some utility. There is an underlying experience people receive out of what they buy. Tell your story and create a noteworthy experience. 

Street Cred Applies to Online Platforms Too

Respect is earned, not given. This applies to brands and companies as well. Furthermore, your actions online do not go unnoticed and will make or break your relationship with the audience. Building your brand credibility adds to authenticity and gives you more equity.

Mix in a Video

Video is HUGE in 2020. This is an opportunity to really showcase what your brand or product does. Whether it is a post, TikTok or IG live, mixing in a video breeds more authenticity and builds rapport with your audience.

Engage, Engage, Engage

Much like celebrities responding to their fans, consumers appreciate transparency and communication with brands they follow. A simple reply, or if you’re feeling extraordinary, a DM can change someone’s day and have them talking about your company for days to come. Who better to talk about your brand than someone actively engaging your content?


Slim Jim isn’t the first to do what they’ve done, nor will they be the last. Many brands will follow their footsteps; some will pave new paths while others will falter, attempting to reach new audiences. Look, reaching new markets can be tough, especially GenZ. We know from both the advertising side and the consumer side. At the end of the day, most people don’t want to be sold to. They want to know the brand they’re purchasing from. Deviating from your brand to check a box will most likely not work.

Just like Mr. Hines did, companies must fully commit to creating a genuine brand environment that allows for their followers to be receptive to its messaging. As aforementioned, businesses are doing what Slim Jim does, so keep your eyes peeled and take notes.

Want to learn more about Finden Marketing? Finden Marketing is Duluth, Minnesota’s leading Gen Z & Millennial marketing agency. With years of experience, hundreds of thousands of dollars managed, and a dedicated team we can help grow your business to its true potential. Our team offers a wide range of services, including PR, Branding, Content Creation, Paid Media, Graphic Design, as well as Web Development. Also with over 30 projects in the bag, Finden Marketing is becoming a staple marketing agency in Duluth, Minnesota.  To learn more about Finden Marketing, check us out here, or visit us at our office in Duluth, Minnesota.

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Josh Helmer | Director of Marketing Solutions | Finden Marketing Group